TitleName and Affiliation
High Energy ERLs for Electron CoolingStephen Vincent Benson, JLab
Novel experiments at CLARADeepa Angal-Kalinin, STFC/DL/ASTeC
Update on Fermilab's PIP-II ProjectLia Merminga,FNL
Particulate field emitters in CEBAF: from root-cause studies to mitigation solutionsRong-Li Geng, JLab
Commissioning of Superconducting Linac Booster for Heavy-Ion Linac at RIKEN Osamu Kamigaito,RIKEN
Brilliant beam acceleration at longitudinal phase advances far beyond 90°Anna Rubin, GSI
High Power normal-conducting linacs upgrade in US Deepak Raparia,BNL
SNS Proton power upgrade (PPU) and operational experienceMark Champion, ORNL
Status and perspectives of ESS linacHakan Danared , ESS
Progress in Nb3Sn: on the edge of the technology revolution in SRF cavity performanceSam Posen, Fermilab
Development of Superconducting Linac Technology in IndiaPurushottam Shrivastava, RRCAT
Dislocation dynamics their role in high-gradient phenomena (alternative speaker: Andreas Kyritsakis)Yinon Ashkenazy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
CW RF Gun DevelopmentBruce Dunham, SLAC
Technological Advancements in Material Handling for High-Gradient Operation of an innovative braze-free accelerating structuresLuigi Faillace, INFN/LNF
SRF R&D for the LCLS-II High Energy UpgradeDaniel Gonnella, SLAC
Status of the LCLS-II CW X-ray FELYuantao Ding, SLAC
S30XL (aka DASEL): a new beamline for dark sector explorationThomas Walter Markiewicz, SLAC
Accelerator on a CHIPDylan Black, Stanford University
Beam reliability and stability studies in superconducting high power protonlinacsYuan He,IMP/Lanzhou
High-efficiency ultra-short pulses from infrared FEL oscillators for an attosecond X-ray source with high-harmonic generationRyoichi Hajima, QST
Overview of Plasma Processing programs in the SRF communityMarc Doleans, ORNL
Collaborative developments with industry for advanced accelerator applicationsAnthony Gleeson, STFC/DL
Superconducting Twin-Axis Cavities - Development and ApplicationsHyeKyoung Park, ODU
Recent development of medical linacs for high income and low-middle income countriesManjit Dosanjh, CERN
A high brightness RF gun development for the SuperKEKB colliderXiangyu Zhou, KEK
First linear acceleration of relativistic electrons using THz waveguidesDarren Mark Graham, The University of Manchester
Optical fibre based monitor for accelerator optimizationJoseph Wolfenden, Cockcroft Institute
Beam commissioning of SPIRAL2 linacRobin Ferdinand, CEA
Performance and Operational Experience with the European X-FEL LinacNick Walker, DESY
Commissioning of high power linear induction accelerator for X-ray flash radiography at BINPDanila Nikiforov, BINP SB RAS
Status of MYRRHA fault tolerant linac projectFrederic BOULY,LPSC/Grenoble
Demonstration of High Current Deuteron Acceleration for the LIPAc 5MeV RFQKeishi Sakamoto, QST
Distributed coupling Linacs from room temperature to SuperconductingMamdouh H. Nasr, SLAC
High repitition rate RF gunsBoris Leonidovich Militsyn, Cockcroft Institute
Commissioning of simultaneous top-up injections into 4 + 1 storage rings at KEK injector linacFusashi Miyahara, KEK
Overview of High Power RFQ issues and solutionsPisent, INFN
Transition between different acceleration sections of Hadron LinacsMichele Comunian, INFN
Overview of linacs for compact neutron sourcesDavid Baxter (IU).J.M.Carpenter(ANL)
The Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications (CLARA) at Daresbury Laboratory: Jim Clarke (STFCSusan Smith, STFC/DL/ASTeC
Overview of machine learning effort for particle accelerators. Andreas Adelmann (PSI)
FRIB construction, installation, SRF and beam commissioning: experience and lessons learnedJie Wei, MSU/FRIB
Science case for FELsJonathan Philip Marangos, Imperial College of Science and Technology
CBETAColwyn Gulliford, Cornell