Poster Set Up
Posters should be legible from a distance. The poster title should be identical to the paper and the poster needs to show the name(s) of author(s) and institution. We recommend that authors bring with them copies of a printed summary of their paper for distribution among interested participants. The area available for your poster is optimised for the display of A0 posters in portrait format.
Posters can be mounted from 8:00 am of the corresponding day and should be removed before 6:00 pm. Any posters remaining after this time will be removed.
Poster areas
There are four poster areas. Poster area 1 – John, area 2 – Paul, area 3 – George and area 4 – Ringo.
Mounting Material
Poster mounting material will be provided by the conference.
Poster Presentation
Authors are reminded that no contribution is accepted for publication only. Any paper that is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to refuse papers for publication that have not been properly presented or staffed in the poster sessions. Manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings (or enlargements of them) are not considered to be posters, and papers presented in this way will not be accepted for publication.
Author Information
The Scientific Program for LINAC2020 will consist of invited, oral posters and poster presentations. Abstract submission is now open via JACoW’s Scientific Program Management System (SPMS) at
The deadline of abstract submission (to be considered for oral posters) is 31 May 2020.
Since no contributions are accepted for publication only, any work accepted for presentation which is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. Furthermore, the SPC reserves the right to refuse for publication any work not properly presented in the poster sessions.